Ello Invites


Hello all, I will be giving away 10-20 Ello invites, in order to enter the random draw you MUST do the following, be following me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Reviewstechblog) or WordPress and comment on this post, tweet to me or email me at tgrady118@gmail.com telling me what your most used app is!

5 random people selected today!

Amazon Echo

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Amazon has recently very very quietly released a new device that they are calling Amazon Echo. The device is essentially a speaker/microphone dedicated to a personal assistant (like Siri, Google Now or Cortana). It features a seven microphone array allowing the device to hear you “anywhere in the room” as well as hear you while music is playing (We will have to see how well that really works). Of course it integrates fully with amazons range of services for music, shopping and apps which could set it back as the amazon ecosystem really isn’t as widely used as Apple or Google’s, but the Echo really has one huge thing going for it. Available by invitation right now, Echo will set you back only 199$ but, if you are a prime member this price drops to 99$!! This could be the beginning of home connectivity for everyone. Click here for more info and to request an invitation!